matt carr matt carr

New Book Cover Reveal!

This is the cover for Dave and Greta Make The World Better! which is out in June and basically tells us that little things can help the environment and we don’t have to be a big rich important person to be an eco-warrior!

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matt carr matt carr

World Book Day week 2022

I had a lovely and busy World Book Day Week last week. Monday saw me rocking up at a village hall and standing in a ridiculous hoodie doing a book event in front of 6 bemused home schooled kids. (there were supposed to be more but sensibly they didn’t turn up! Tuesday saw me head into the gloomy grey drizzly day to the very swanky Cumnor House Prep school. They had a power cut so my first Ginny session was basically in the dark! Probably an improvement on my usual event! Then on weds I headed to Holy Cross school in Uckfield which was fine except the projector didn’t seem to show up the colour red so SuperBat was almost unrecognisable! Then on Thursday I travelled the 30 metres to the school just behind my house - this went pretty smoothly! I had Friday off!

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matt carr matt carr

Hairy New Year!

It’s been a busy time here with various book things. I’ve just finished the artwork for Dave & Greta Make The World Better! which is out in June I think. Plus Ginny’s Big Adventure is out in hardback this month and paperback in July. I’m also art working my most ridiculous book yet which is out early 2023 and there has been some lovely co-edition news which I will update at some point. Watch this space!

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matt carr matt carr

Ed & Bunny are back!

Just started work on the third Ed & Bunny Book! Ed & Bunny Raise Some Money! It should be out later this year so I’d better get on with it!

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matt carr matt carr

Back out there!


After lord knows how long I did a book event thing yesterday. The ‘new look’ hairy me dug out my hoodie (needs an iron!) and visited Grovelands School in Hailsham and read Superbat and generally made an idiot of myself. The usual thing, really. Hopefully the kids had a good time!

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matt carr matt carr

Doris goes Global!


Some great news involving Doris The Doctorpus this week as NOW WASH YOUR HANDS! is getting translated into French-Canadian! (Which I imagine is pretty much French) Last week the Thai version went to print and the book is also in Korean and Turkish and is also in Australian, New Zealandish and American (Not much translating there!) Hilariously, there are 77,000 Doris’s in the USA but because of a little error none have my name on!

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matt carr matt carr

Shop now open!

After what seems like years I’ve finally got my shop up. It’s selling greeting cards, stickers and badges at the moment but hopefully there will be more stuff soon. Got to Shop link at top of page to have a look!

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matt carr matt carr

Doctorpus Doris gets on the news!

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 09.35.24.png

Great to see Doctorpus Doris live on Channel 4 news the other day when she was featured very quickly in the brilliant Chicken & Frog bookshop as part of a feature about the re-opening of shops. You can watch it here.

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matt carr matt carr

Booktrust Scotland give out Rocketmole

Booktrust Scotland give out Roucketmole to all Year 2 kids

So honoured that Rocketmole was chosen to be given to all Year 2 kids in Scotland in late November as part of the Read Write Count Scheme . The teachers posted some brilliant activities they did based around the book you can see some here.

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