World Book Day
I am often confused about dates and sometimes wake up in a cold sweat thinking that I am supposed to be at a school or an event somewhere and that’s exactly how I felt on the 6th of March when the lady from the school I was supposed to be at on World Book Day emailed to say she was looking forward to seeing me the following day! I had thought it was the week after and had booked to visit my friends primary school and so began a chaotic day with me driving to probably the poshest school i’ve ever been to, in Cobham Surrey, doing three events plus handing out the prizes for best dressed pupil (while dressed as a toilet roll I might add). They were ever so nice and invited me to lunch but alas I had to dash onto my next gig! This involved heading along the M25 down to a little village in Sussex. On the way I stopped at the services for a sandwich but they didn’t have any so I opted for a Cornish pasty (I make a rule of never eating them outside Cornwall, but this was a desperate situation) Then I lost my sat nave holder so I arrived at Maynards Green School covered in meat, potato and pastry with my phone parcel taped to the dashboard. After another chaotic event I made my way home for a well earned cuppa.