Ginny’s Big Adventure
Ginny’s Big Adventure is my first book with Hachette Children’s Books and it has been quite a long process to finally get her out in the world. Ginny started out in about 2018 as a one line little idea at the end of an email which featured many other fully formed stories. But it was Ginny or ‘Greta’s Great Escape’ as it was called then that was chosen to be worked up. The initial idea was based on the WW2 movie The Great Escape, but set in a pet shop where Ginny was determined to escape and see the world. After many attempts she finally is bought by an old bald sailor who wants a companion on a solo round the world trip! The final gag being that Ginny became a Guinea Wig! Well, after a lot of exploring many different storylines Ginny’s Big Adventure has finally come to life and she does make her great escape into the world. Along the way she has quite an adventure! Ginny is out in hardback in January 2022 and paperback in June 2022!